Nostalgie de la puissance d'un côté / Nostalgie de la liberté de l'autre...

Beaucoup de peuples sur cette terre vivent dans la nostalgie de leur gloire passée, de leur puissant empire perdu... Ces peuples généralement vantent les mérites de la pacification du territoire qu'ils avaient conquis et de la civilisation dont le monde aurait bénéficié grâce à eux. Par certains côtés les beaux restes qui subsistent de cette expansion pourraient nous faire admirer le passé des conquérants... Mais il ne faut surtout pas oublier : 1. Un peuple conquis est toujours un peuple soumis. 2.Un peuple soumis est humilié en permanence directement et indirectement. 3. A cette humiliation s'ajoute la persécution quand ce peuple refuse d'être humilié. 4. Si la persécution ne suffit pas à écraser l'énergie de ce peuple, elle peut se poursuivre en génocide...

La nostalgie de la liberté disparue est d'un autre ordre...
Ce blog veut témoigner pour Chypre. Il se composera d'articles glanés ci et là sur le web soit en français soit que j'aurais traduits Puissent les lecteurs francophones en prendre connaissance !

"Découvrir Chypre au pluriel du Quattro et Cinquecento" à l'Université de Chypre : Atelier de recherches le 12-15 novembre 2009



Une dizaine d’interventions, en français, italien ou anglais. Elles seront réparties sur trois jours. Une visite au Musée de Chypre à Nicosie et une visite guidée aux sites historiques de Famagouste. Un événement rencontre à l’Ambassade de l’Italie à Nicosie.
L’atelier aura lieu au centre ville de Nicosie, au Centre culturel de l’Université de Chypre, près la Porte de Famagouste.

« D’une part, le but est de parvenir à une connaissance plus complète des activités intellectuelles ou activités ayant un rapport avec le monde intellectuel, entreprises par des personnages qui séjournaient à Chypre en tant que régent, diplomate ou secrétaire au service des Français ou Vénitiens [...]
D’autre part, nous visons un inventaire plus complet et une meilleure compréhension des représentations littéraires de l’île [...]
L’essentiel de nos explorations sera de considérer des questions fondamentales concernant la circulation des savoirs – manuscrits, bibliothèques, échanges spirituels, littéraires, conceptuels – entre les Francs, la Méditerranée orientale chypriote et les (foyers d’)intellectuels français et italiens du XVe et XVIe siècle.[...] »
(extrait de la lettre d'appel d'offre)

Dr Evelien Chayes
Lecturer French Culture and Literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century
Département d’Études françaises et de Langues vivantes
Université de Chypre
12 Aglantzias Avenue
PO Box 20537
1678 Nicosie
T: (+357) 22 89 43 72
F: (+357) 22 89 43 87

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Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191-1571Author: David Nicolle

Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, 13th-16th Centuries Author: Benjamin Arbel

Commercial Exchange Across the Mediterranean Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt and Italy Author: David Jacoby

Venice & Cyprus Author: Loukia Loizou Hadjigavriel (ed.)

Burgesses and Burgess Law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1099-1325)Author :Marwan Nader

The Latin Church In Cyprus 1195-1312 Author: Nicholas Coureas

Archaeology And The Crusades Author: Peter Edbury and Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, eds.

Cyprus Society and Culture 1191-1374 Author: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari and Chris Schabel, eds.

Lacrimae Cypriae Les larmed de Chypre Author: Brunehilde Imhaus

Crusades - Myth and Realities Author: Yiannis Toumazis, Anthony Pace, Maria Rosaria Belgiorno, Sophia Antoniadou, Eds.

Heraldry in Cyprus Author: George Markou

Ladies of Medieval Cyprus and Caterina Cornaro Author: Leto Severis

The Chronicle of George Boustronios 1456-1489 Author: Translated by R. M. Dawkins

Caterina Cornaro Queen of CyprusAuthor: David Hunt and Iro Hunt, eds

The Royal Garden of Pefkou A Study Of Fruit Consumption in Medieval Nicosia Author: William Woys Weaver

The Lusignan Kingdom Of Cyprus And Its Muslim Neighbors Author: Peter W Edbury

Nicosia - Gothic City To Venetian Fortress Author: Nicola Coldstream

The Fortress of Nicosia, Prototype of European Renaissance Military Architecture Author: Gianni M. Perbellini

The Assizes of Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus Author: Nicholas Coureas (ed.)

The Cartulary of the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom of Nicosia Author: Nicholas Coureas and Christopher Schabel (eds)

The Synodicum Nicosiense and Other Documents of the Latin Church of Cyprus, 1196-1373 Author: Christopher Schabel (ed.)

From Aphrodite to Melusine Reflections on the Archaeology and the History of Cyprus Author: Matteo Campagnolo and Marielle Martiniani-Reber

Mediterranean Crossroads Author: Sophia Antoniadou and Anthony Pace (eds.)

Gothic Art and the Renaissance in Cyprus Author: Camille Enlart

Medieval Cyprus A Guide to the Byzantine and Latin Monuments Author: Gwynneth der Parthog

Byzantine Mosaic Work Notes on history, technique & colour Author: David Winfield

Ta Byzantina Tou Paulou NeofutouAuthor: Loukia Loizou Hadjigavriel (supervisor)

Mesaioniki Efualomeni Keramiki tis Kupros Ta Epfastiria Pafou kai Lapithou Author: Dimitri Papanikola

Icones De Chypre Diocese De Limassol 12e-16e SIECLE Author: Sophocles Sophocleous

Palaichoria Centuries of Heritage Author: Sophocles Sophocleous

Cyprus The Holy Island Icons Through the Centuries 10th-20th Century Author: Sophocles Sophocleous (ed.)

Cyprus Byzantine Churches and Monasteries Mosaics and Frescoes Author: Ewald Hein, Andrija Jakovljevic, Brigitte Kleidt

Zypern Byzantinische Kirchen und Kloster Mosaics und Fresken Author: Ewald Hein, Andrija Jakovljevic, Brigitte Kleidt

The Holy, Royal Monastery of Kykko Founded With A Cross Author: Abbot of Kykko Chrysostomos

Theia Ekfraoio Tehniki tho Byzantinio Eikonografia Author: Grigori Kyriakidi

Chypre D'Aphrodite a Melusine Author: Matteo Campagnolo, Chantal Courtois, Marielle Martiniani-Reber, Lefki Michaelidou (eds)

Paulos O Apostolos ton Ellinion Odoiporiko stin Ellada kai stin Kypro. Author: Georgios Ant. Galitis

I Kata Kition Agiografiki Tehni Author: Kostas Gerasimou, Kuriakos Papaioakeim, Christina Spanou

L'Art "Italo-Byzantin" A Chypre Au XVI SiecleAuthor: Stella Frigerio - Zeniou

Colours of Medieval Cyprus Through the ceramic collection of the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia Author: Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzi

Title: Catalogue of Byzantine Chant Manuscripts in the Monastic and Episcopal Libraries of Cyprus

Author: Andrija Jakovljevic

The Von Post Collection of Cypriote Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery Author: Elisabeth Pilitz

The Treasures of Lambousa Author: A. Stylianou, J. Stylianou

World Heritage Sites In Cyprus Author: Loria Markides (ed.)

Cyprus Society and Culture 1191-1374 Author: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari and Chris Schabel, eds.

Lacrimae Cypriae Les larmed de Chypre Author: Brunehilde Imhaus

Crusades - Myth and Realities Author: Yiannis Toumazis, Anthony Pace, Maria Rosaria Belgiorno, Sophia Antoniadou, Eds.

Heraldry in Cyprus Author: George Markou

Ladies of Medieval Cyprus and Caterina Cornaro Author: Leto Severis

Byzantine Architecture in the Troodos Mountains Through Drawings, Sketches and Watercolours Author: Andreas Philippou

Chronicles Author: Leontios Makhairas

Chronicles Author: Georgiou Voustroniou

History of Cyprus by George Boustronios Author: George Boustronios

The Church of the Panaghia Tou Arakos at Lagoudhera, Cyprus: The Paintings and Their Significance: v. 37 Author: Dave Winfield

Panagia Arakiotissa, Lagoudera Cyprus: A Complete Guide Author: Sophocles Sophocleous

Byzantium 330-1453 Author: Robin Cormack and Maria Vassilaki (eds.)

L'Ordre du Temple en Terre Sainte et � Chypre au XIIIe siecle Vol I, II and III Author: Pierre-Vincent Claverie

Crisis in Byzantium: The Filioque Controversy in the Patrarchiate of Gregory II of Cyprus (1283-1289) Author: Aristeides Papadakis

The Church of our Lady of Asinou Author: Ch. Hadjichristodoulou, D. Myrianthefs

The Churches of the Virgin Podithou and of the Theotokos (or of the Archangel) in Galata Author: M. Constantoudaki-Kitromelides, D. Myrianthefs

The Monastery of Saint John Lampadistis in Kalopanayiotis Author: A. Papageorgiou

Panagia Arakiotissa Lagoudera Cyprus Author: Sophocles Sophocleous

Paralimni The Church of Agios Georgios Author: Sophocles Sophocleous

Cyprus An Island being the Focus of Cultures Author: Sabine Rogge (ed)

The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades 1191-1374 Author: P. W. Edbury

Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571-1640 Author: Ronald C. Jennings

Silent Partners The Armenians and Cyprus - 578 - 1878 Author: John Matossian

A Catalogue Of The Cyprus Museum Author: John Linton Myres

Immovable Offertory Installations in Late Bronze Age Cyprus Author: Yannis Pararas

Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500: Aspects of Cross-Cultural Communication Author: Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani, Christopher D. Schabel

Title: Medieval Cyprus: Studies in Art, Architecture, and History in Memory of Doula Mouriki

Author: Nancy P. Sevcenko, Christopher Moss (ed)

he Trial of the Templars in Cyprus Author: Anne Gilmour-Bryson

The Sultan of Vezirs The Life and Times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angeloviu (1453-1474) Author: Theoharis Stavrides

Griechische Briefe und Urkunden aus dem Zypern der Kreuzfahrerzeit - Die Formularsammlung eines königlichen Sekretärs im Vaticanus Palatinus graecus 367 Author: Alexander Beihammer (Hrsg.)

Title: Heimfahrt Von Jerusalem

Author: Hans Stockar

Title: Cipro e l' Italia al tempo di Bisanzio

Author: Ioannis A. Eliades

Title: Religious Monuments In Turkish-Occupied Cyprus

Author: Charalampos G. Chotzakoglou

Title: To Thriskeutika Mnimeia Stin Toyrkokrtoumeni Kypro

Author: Charalampos G. Chotzakoglou

Title: Mounmenti Religious Nella Parte Di Cipro Occupata Dalla Turchia

Author: Charalampos G. Chotzakoglou

Title: Venice In Cyprus And Cyprus In Venice

Author: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (ed)

Title: Philip Of Novara Le Livre de Forme de Plait

Author: Peter W. Edbury (Ed)

Title: Consulat De France A Larnaca

Author: Anna Pouradier Duteil

Title: Byzantine Cyprus 491-1191

Author: D. M. Metcalf

Title: The Crucified Holy Island

Author: Monk Dometios

Title: ?d??p????? St?? ??????af?�e?e? ?????s?e? ??? ??p???

Author: ??�et??? ???a???

Title: ? T?? ??S ???????S O????????S

Author: ??�et??? ???a???

Title: Basilicas - Cathedrals - Monasteries Chruches and Chapels In North Cyprus

Author: Ibrahim Yapicioglu

Title: ?? ?as??e?? ??? ??p??? ?a? ?? Sta???f???e? 1191 - 1374

Author: Peter W. Edbury

Title: Churches and Chapels In North Cyprus

Author: Ibrahim Yapicioglu

Title: ?ata�??e?

Author: S?f????? ?at??sa��a?

Title: The Painted Churches Of Cyprus Treasures Of Byzantine Art

Author: Andreas Stylianou, Judith A. Stylianou

Title: Deeds of the Cypriots

Author: Paul Crawford

Title: Russian-Ottoman Relations in the Levant: The Dashkov Archive

Author: Theophilus Christopher Prousis
